University of Hyderabad is inviting applications for the vacant post of Professor,Associate professor and Assistant professor and various departments candidates can apply through online.
Vacancies :
Associate professor
Assistant professor
Educational Qualification:
Ph.D, Master Degree, pass in NET, SET along with experience in relevant discipline following the post.
Age Limit:
Not more than 65 years.
Modifications/Additions /Deletions to the above mentioned the position /specialisation or any other changes due to administrative exigencies shall be notified only on the website of the university for information of the applicants till the last date for submission of the online applications.
Essential requirements as per the UGC regulations 2018 must be presented with evidence duly signed by the competent authority of the Institutions are University of supporting documents such claims will not be considered.
Applicants must note that enclosures /evidence for the score claimed in the online application Shall be accepted only until the last date for submission of applications.
For every score claimed in the application,appropriate self attested support document must be attached with the hard copy of the applications. Any entry /claim made in the application without supporting documents as evidence will not be counter towards core claimed for the position applied.
Copies of the experience/service certificate /pay certificate or pay slip as a proof of total service till date of application must be attached with the hard copies of the application,orelse the service claimed will not be considered. Experience of teaching will be considered from UG level. Experience in research will be considered from the date of award of PhD degree.Sufficient evidence should be presented for claiming the advertised specialisation.
Candidates who have served in private and added educational institutions must also enclose the copies of the ratification certificate of their appointment by the University/ institution concerned,along with the certification mentioned at serial number 5 above.
All enclosures should be serially numberred and cited at the relevant section.Encloser should follow the format as provided by the university in this advertisement in case a format is not provided by the University the Government of India guidelines and format should be followed.
Application method :
Candidates can apply through online mode.
The candidates are requested to go through the employment notification placed on the university website and are read the instructions carefully and comply with them, before filling the details on the candidates portal.
The candidates has to click the link provided and complete the registration for process First. They must confirm their registration while linked sent to their registered mail ID.
Once the registration of the Candidate is confirmed, the candidates should login to the application portal using the credentials and fill all the information wiz, educational qualifications,experience, academic/ research details etc.and submit the form online.
The supporting documents attached to the hard copy of the application should be serially numberred with page number and reference must be given at the relevant entry in the application form.
Submission of the hard copy of application with all the relevant enclosures is mandatory. Online application will be summarily rejected.if the hard copy of it is not received with all the supporting documents as evidence for the entries in the application. The candidate should take a print out of the field application and enclose all the self attested supporting documents and forward to the following address on or before 24/2/2025 after appending applicant signature. Application that are incomplete in any manner will not be considered.
Selection method :
Candidates will be selected based on the interview.
Procedure for forwarding hard copy of online field in application :
The hard copy of the print out of the application along with checklist and in Enclosures listed there in should be forwarded to the undersigned on or before before 24.02.2025.
General instructions and other important points to the applicants.
Applicants are strongly advise to submit the applications to the university well in advance to avoid postal delay or any other unforseen problems.the university is not responsible for any postal delay at any stage.
Unless valid hard copies of the documents in support of the claim made in the online application or submitted along with the application, the application will be treated as incomplete and summarily rejected. No appeal in this regard will be entertained.
The prescribe the qualifications and experience are only minimum.The mere fact that a candidate meets the minimum eligibility criteria does not entertain him/ her to being called for the interview.The university reserves the right to restric the number of candidates called for the interview on the basis of the qualification and/ or experience higher than the minimum prescribed. Call letters to attend interviews will be sent only to the shortlisted candidates by e-mail. No correspondence will be made with the applicants who are not shortlisted called for interview.
Except for the candidates shortlisted for the interview no communication will be sent to other applicants. However,the list of both shortlisted and those are not short candles will be pleased on the university website for information of the applicants.
Reservation for SC ST and PWBD candidates exist according to the reservation register maintain by the university for various posts in accordance with the guidelines of the UGC Ministry of Education. Candidate supplying for the reserved post should clearly state that category to which they belong to.They must also enclose a certificate issued by the tahsildar /Mandal Revenue officer/ or other authorised authority as a proof of to this effect,without which the application will not be considered.
Canvassing and/ or representation in any form, by or wrong on behalf of, any candidate will be summarily disqualify that candidate.
Selections will be made on the basis of the candidates previous record and the performance in the interview. The university may also utilise seminar /colloquirum /demonstration class and any /any other mode of as method of a selection.
Eligibility of the candidates will be determined on the basis of qualifications /experience/ publications/ academic or research score, etc, acquired by them till the last date fixed for the receipts of the field in applications.
Candidates entering into the univerity service on after 1st January 2004 will be covered under the national payment system.
Applications incomplete in any respect will not be considered, and will be summerly rejected
Important dates :
Last date for application: