State Bank of India invite’s online applications from eligible Indian citizens for appointment to the following specialist cader offices post and regular basis candidate sir requested to apply online through official website.

Post Names:

•Manager(Data Scientist )

•Dy. Manager(Data Scientist)

Vacancies :


Educational Qualification :

B.E/B. Tech/M. Tech in computer science /IT/Electronic /Electrical & Electronics & Communication /Data science /AI & ML /Equivalent degree in above discipline /Msc data /Msc (Statistics ),MA(Statistics )MCA from AICTE/UGC recognized university /Institution.

Minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade in both Graduation/Post Graduation.

Preferred Qualification :

MBA/PGDM with specialization in finance and any certificate in ML/AI/Natural Language processing, web crawling and neural networks. Above mentioned certificates should be be valid as on 31.07.2024

Experience :

Essential :

Minimum 5 years of overall experience in Data science /AI ML Model Development.

Desirable :

Experience in financial sector /Bank/NBFC/Insurance /Investment firm.

Dy. Manager:

Educational Qualification :

B.E/B. Tech/M. Tech in computer science /IT/Electronic /Electrical & Electronics & Communication /Data science /AI & ML /Equivalent degree in above discipline /Msc data /Msc (Statistics ),MA(Statistics )MCA from AICTE/UGC recognized university /Institution.

Minimum 60% marks or equivalent grade in both Graduation/Post Graduation.

Important points:

The number of vacancies including reserve vacancies mention above our provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the bank.

The educational qualification prescribed for the post is minimum.Candidates must possess the qualification and relevant full time experience as an specified dates.

Candidates belonging to reserve category including person with the benchmark disability for whom no reservation has been mentioned are free to apply for vacancys announced for general category provided they fulfil all the eligibility criteria applicable to general category.

Maximum age indicated is for general category candidates relaxation in upper age limit will be available to reserved category candidates as per Government of India guidelines.

How to apply:

Candidate should have valid email id, mobile phone number which should be kept active till the declaration of the result. It will be help him/ her in getting call letter interview advises email or over mobile by SMS.

Guidelines for feeling online application

Candidates will be required to register themselves online through link available on the SBI website.And pay the application fee using the internet banking /debit card credit card etc.

Candidate should first should scan their latest photograph and application will not be registered unless candidates uploads his /her photo and signature asspecified on the online registration page.

Candidate should fill the application carefully.once application is filled in completely, Candidate should submit the same.In the event of candidate not being able to fill the application in one go, he can save the information already entered.When the information/ application is saved,provisional registration number and password is generated by the system and display on the screen. Candidate should not down the registration number and password.They can reopen saved application using the registration number and password and edit the particulars, if needed. This facility Editing the saved information will be available for 3 times only. Once the application is filled completely candidates should be submit the same and proceed for the online payment fee.

After registering online, the candidates are advise to take a printout of the system generated and online application forms.

Candidates seeking age relaxation are required to submit the copies of necessary certificates at the time of change in the category of any Candidate is permitted after the registration of the online application

Guidelines for the payment of fees

Application fees and intimation charges 750 for general EWS OBC candidates and other no fees /intimation charges for SC ST, PWBD candidates.

After ensuring correctness of the particulars in the application form, candidates are required to pay the fees through payment gateway integrated with the application.No change /edit in the application will be allowed thereafter.

Payment will have to be made online through payment gateway available thereit. the payment can be made by using debit card/ credit card/ internet providing information asked on the secreen. Transaction charges for online payment, if any,will be borne by the candidates.

On the successful completion of the transaction, e -receipt and application form, bearing the date of submission by the candidate,will be generated which should be printed and retained by the candidate.

If the online payment of fees is not successfully completed in the first instance please make fresh attempts to make online payment.

A provision is there to reprint the receipt and application form containing fee details if the later stage.

Application fee once paid will not be refunded on any account nor can it be adjusted for any other examination or selection in the future.

General Information :

Before applying for the post applicants should be ensure that he/ she fulfills the eligibility and other norm’s mentioned above for that post as on the specified date and the particulars furnished by him /her are correct in all respects.

Candidates belonging to the reserved including for including, for whom no reservation has been mentioned, are free to apply for vacancy announced for general category provided they must fulfill all the eligibility candidates applicable to general category.

In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that an applicant does not fulfill the eligibility norms and or that he/ she has furnished any incorrect information as surpassed any material facts, his/ her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of this shortcomings is detected in even after appointment, he /her services are liable to be terminated forthwith.

The applicant should ensure that the application is strictly in accordance with the prescribed format and is properly filled.

Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/ her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the bank.Such appointment will also be subject to the service and conductor rules of the bank for such post in bank,in force at the time of joining of the bank.

Candidates are advise to keep their email id active for receiving the communication call letter/ interview date advice etc.

The bank takes no responsibility for any delay in receipt or loss of the any communication what’sover.

Important Dates:

Application Starting date:


Application last date:



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