Railway Recruitment Board invites applications for the various vacancies. Interested candidates read the complete notification carefully and apply.

Vacancies :


Post Names:

Points man

Assistant (Track machine )

Assistant(Bridge )

Track maintainer

Assistant loco shed

Assistant workshop

Assistant S & T

Assistant TRD

Assistant loco shed (electrical )

Educational Qualification :

10th class or ITI diploma, National apprenticeship certificates issued by National Council for vocational training, ITI pass in relevant trade,medical fitness and physical standards.

Age limit:

Post Prescribed age in normal course as on 01.01.2025Age as applicable to this CEN as on 01.01.2025
Level-118-33 years18-36 years

The relaxation in upper age limit maximum upper age for the following categories, community in the table below is applicable subject to submission of requisite certificates.

1 OBC non creamy Layer3 years
2SC/ST5 years

General instructions :

1.Admission to all stages of recruitment process shall be purely provisional subject to the candidate statistifying the prescribe to eligible conditions.

2.Candidate must ensure that the proper photograph and signature of their own as per the standard specifications mentioned in the notice during the online application. Applications with ineligible/ non standard photograph signature are liable to be rejected when noticed at any stage of recruitment process.

3.Before applying for the post against this notification Candidate should satisfy themselves that they fullfil all the eligibility norms including age,educational qualification and medical standard.Candidate should ensure that they have requisite qualification from recognised board/ Institute as on the closing date for submission of online application that is 22.02.2025 those awaiting results of the final examination for the described qualification are not eligible and should not apply.

4.Applications of candidates who attempt to apply with minor changes of no in information and or fats to more than one Railway are multiple application to the same Railway will be summerly rejected and such candidates will be debarred from all the future examination RRB and rrc’s.

5.Signature of the candidate on all the documents should be identical in all stages of recruitment process and must be running hand writing and not in block /all capital disjointed letters. Signature in different style at the time of CBT /PET/DV etc..may result in cancellation of candidature.

Recruitment Process:

Candidates should apply only through online mode through any of the official websites of the Railway Recruitment Board.Multiple Applications by a candidate will lead to rejection of all the applications and debartment.

1.The recruitment process Shall comprise of the following stages :

>>Computer Based test

>>Physical Efficiency Test

>>Document verification

>>Medical examination.

2.Information of date of Computer Based test, physical Efficiency Test,document verification and medical examination are any other additional activities will be given to eligible candidates due course through RRB /RRC website SMS and email.

3.Request for first postponement of any of the stages are for change of venue, date and shift will not be entertained under any circumstance.

A)Computer based test:

All The Eligible candidates have to undergo a computer basic test on the specified dates, time and venue as per the e-call letter to be downloaded by the candidates from the website of RRB/RRC.The information about the E-Call letter download shall be communicated through the websites as well as registered email IDs of the candidates.

The examination duration will be 120 minutes for The Eligible PWBD candidates accompanied with scribe.

The section wise distribution given in the above table is only Indicative and their maybe some variation in the actual question. Paper there will be negative marking and 1/3 marks shall be deducted for the each wrong answer.

Minimum percentage of the marks for shortlisting in various communities. This percentage of marks for eligibility may be relaxed by two marks for PWBD candidates in case of shortage of PWD candidates against the vacancies reserved for them.

Whare a second stage CBT is deemed necessary and held, the railway administration reserves right to treat the first state CBT as qualifying test for purpose of short listing of reasonable number of candidates for the second stage.

Physical efficiency test:

Based on the merit of the candidates in the CBT, candidate shall be called for PET 3 times the community wise total vacancy of the posts notified against RRB /RRC.However, the railways reserve to the right increase/decrease this ratio as required to ensure availability of the adequate /reasonable number of candidates for all the notified post. Passing physical Efficiency Test is mandatory and same will be qualifying in the nature. The criteria for the PT as under.

Male candidatesFemale candidates
Should be able to lift and carry 35 kg of weight for a distance of 100 Mtrs in 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down and should be able to run for the distance of thousand metres in 4 minutes and 15 seconds in one chance.should be able to lift and carry 20 kg of weight for a distance of 100 Mtrs senior 2 minutes in one chance without putting the weight down and should be able to run for the distance of thousand metres in 5 minutes and 40 seconds in one chance.

1. The persons with benchmark disability as specified in para 11 or exempted from the appearing for PET.However,after qualifying in CBT, such candidates will have to pass the medical examination prescribed for PWBD.

2.It is it is the Candidates responsible to ensure that they are medical fit enough to attempt the PET.Railways will not responsible for any injury /Harm suffered by candidates as a result of a participating in the PET.

3.The physical Efficiency Test consist of two stages to ensure uniformity candidates will be tested for carrying of weight at to specified distance in a specified time first and if successful in the test, for the running test after a recovery gap. Failing in first test weight carrying will be mean elimination at that stage it self. The weight carrying test will invlove lifting sand bag from bench /plotform, at around waist height and carrying its in whichever manner candidates wants to carry about the ground till the destination point sand bag on the ground.

Important dates:

Application starting date:


Application last date:



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