Applications are invited from The Eligible candidates to fill the vacant a post of Gramin Dak Sevak in different offices of the department of posts. The detail of the vacant post is given an Annexure-II. The applications are to be submitted online.
The candidates would need to register themselves before submitting an online application they would need a valid mobile number and active email address for registration purposes.He candidate can have only one registration to submit an online application filling up duplicate /multiple registrations applications are not allowed and filling up of duplicate /multiple applications would invite cancellation of all the applications filled by the candidate the applications are not required to attach any documents with the application form. However they will have to upload their recent photograph and signature in the portal.
The detailed instructions for registration and feeling up the online application form are given in the Annexure-II. The candidates are advised to carefully fill their registration and application forms and review the same way before final submission still there is a mistake the candidate need not to register again as their would be an opportunity to edit correct the registration application form after the stipulate closing date it correction window of 3 days will be provided the schedule of registration and edit correction window is as under.
1 | Registration and submission of online applications | 10.02.2025 to 03.03.2025 |
2 | Edit/Correction window | 06.03.2025 to 08.03.2025 |
Eligibility criteria:( for all post)
Age limit :
minimum age 18 years
maximum age 40 years
Age will be determined as on the last date of submission of applications
Relaxations in upper age limit :
Schedule caste /scheduled tribe- 5 years
Other backward classes 3 years
Economical a weaker section -No relaxation
Persons with disability -10 years.
Educational Qualification :
Education qualification for engagement of GDS is Secondary School Examination past certificate of 10th standard with passing marks in the mathematics in English conducted by any recognized Board of School Education by the government of India /state governments /union territories in India.
The application should have studied in the local language at least up to 10th standard from recognised board. The detail post wise local language prescribed by the department is given in the Annexure-III
Other Qualification :
Knowledge of computer
knowledge of cycling
Adequate means of livelihood
Applications are to be submitted in the online mode only. Applications received from any other mode shall not be entertained and no communication in this respect will be entertained/ replied. Detail instructions for registration, payment of fee, documents to be uploaded with application selection of post setc..are given in the official notification.
The applicants will be shortlisted for engagement on the basis of a system generated merit list.
The merit list will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained /conversion of Grades /points of marks in Secondary School of examination of both 10th standard of recognised boards aggregated to percentage to the accuracy of 4 decimals.
For applicants where Secondary School examination of 10th standard marksheet contains the marks as mentioned in each subject or marks and grade/ points both their marks will be worked out by taking into account the marks obtained. In case any applicant applies with grades/ points instead of marks, he/she application will be liable for cancellation.However,if were any particular subject only grades are mentioned in the marksheet then for the subjects grades can be mentioned and the same need not to be converted into the marks by the candidates.
The department and engaging authorities of each post results the right to modify cancel the notification are revised the number of post it anytime without assigning any reason are to stop the engagement process Al together.
Department is not responsible for non receipt of email SMS to the applicants due to any reason and the candidates are there for advised to continue visit the online engagement Porter regularly for the latest updates.
The department does not make any phone calls to the applicants shortlisted candidates the correspondence,if any, will be made with applicants through respective engaging authority only. Applicants are advised not to disclose their personal information/ registration number /mobile number/ email ID is to others and be guarded against unscrupulous phone calls.
Applicant can view his /her application submitted status on the website by providing the registration number and mobile number.
For any queries division wise helpdesk and mobile numbers are provided on the website. That department would not entertain any query on any other number,other than the help desk.The department who the also not entertain any communication regarding acceptance of applications in any other form and any such communication will be filed.
After closing the date for submission of online applications, a 3 days window has been kept for modification/ editing in the same. The purpose of providing this correction window is to correct the name and other data marks choice of filling etc. except mobile number and email id. During this 3 days window,if the modification involve any change in category requiring fee to be paid, such modification will be allowed only if the candidate deposits the fee as per the prescribed to procedure. Upon modification, the previous online application would be treated as null and wide and merit would be decided based on the details mentioned in the modified application.
An applicant on can only apply one or more vacant post of GDS in only in one of the selected division.Before selecting division option, applicant has to validate his/her details by giving registration number and OTP sent to the registered mobile number. On selecting the division, a list of all eligible posts (based on community,age, PwD status and local language studied )will be displayed against which applicant has to given preference. Applicant will not be considered for a post, for which he /she has not given/ indicated his preferences.However,if shortlisted,only one post only will be offered for engagement and his/ her rights for all other post will be forfeited.
Important application dates:
Online Application starting date:
Online Application last date: