Indian Oil Corporation Limited IOCL is a diversified integrated energy major with presence in Oil,gas petrochemicals and alternative energy sources. Empowered with Maharatna status the organisation. Renders overriding prominence to the energy needs of the of the country and aspires to be the energy of India and a globally admired company.Contributing to the growth of the nation year after year Indian Oil as Risen to position of leadership with its ubiquitous presence and its diligence to make a mark in the lives of citizens of India Indian Oil Corporation Limited invites applications for filling up the vacant post in various locations in Marketing Division Candidate its can apply online till 23rd February.


Junior operator grade- I-215

Junior attendant grade -I-23

Junior business assistant grade -3 -08

Total posts:



Candidate must passed 10th class,ITI /inter,degree in the relevant department following the posts and work experience :

Age limit :

Not exceeding 18 to 26 years as an 31st January 2025.Age relaxation will be 3 years for OBC,5 years for SC/ ST candidates and 10 years for PWDs.

Selection method:

Candidate should be selected based on written test and skill test & physical test.


The selection methodology will comprise Computer Based test and skill professional, Skill,physical test.The SPPT will be the qualifying nature.


Computer Based test would be conducted in an objective multiple choice questions format requiring Mouse/click based response.In Computer Based test their would be no requirement of writing,typing and content while responding to multiple choice questions.The Computer Based test will consist of one objective type paper containing 100 questions carrying one mark each and the time allotted for completing the Computer Based test is 120 minutes with the subsequent details.


The selection methodology will comprise Computer Based test and computer professions test. The CBT will be qualifying nature.

General Instructions:

Number of vacancies indicated above is tentative and may increase or decrease in the relevant categories at the absolutely a discretion of the management and in compliance with the presidential directives and reservation at the time of appointment.

Rules/ guidelines has may be prescribed by the government of India framed by the corporation from time to time shall apply.

The candidature of the applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certification testimonials etc.

Filling up of vacancies will be solely at the discretion of the management based on suitability of candidates and no claim will arise for employment, if some of the vacancies are not filled due to unsuitability /insufficient number of candidates.

Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of online application.

The departmental/ internal candidate i.e employees who are already and the master rolls of the corporation, are not eligible to apply for the notified posts.

The decision of the management will be final and binding on all the candidates and all matters relating to eligibility acceptancy or rejection of the applications, mode of selection and cancellation of the selection process etc. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

The candidates are advised to ensure while applying that they fulfill the eligibility criteria and other requirements mentioned and that the particulars furnished by them are correct in all respects.If it any stage of recruitment process or after appointment it is found that candidate does not fulfill the eligibility criteria and or/does not comply with other requirements of this advertisement and/or as submitted false information and /or as cancelled the true information as adapted improper courses and/or has surpassed any material fact, then his/her candidature is liable to be rejected /removed from the recruitment process and appointment shall be terminated if he has been appointed, without giving any prior notice with approval of appointment /competiting authority.

Candidates are not permitted to use mobile phones, calculator and other electronic gadgets. They should not,therefore,bring the same inside the examination/ SPPT /CPT hall. Candidates will be allowed to enter the examination hall only with the print out of admit card and proof of identify. No other material will be permitted inside the examination hall .

Candidates are advised in their own interest to register online much before the closing date has scheduled mentioned in this advertisement and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fees to avoid the possibility of disconnections /failure to login on the IOCL website on account of heavy load on internet /website jam/ disconnection.

IOCL does not assume any responsibility for the candidates not being able to submit the applications within the last date on account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason behind the control of the Corporation.

Please note that above procedure is the only valid processor for making application shall not be accepted through any other mode.

The admit cards issued to the candidates are provisional. However, in case any ineligible candidates had been issued admit card and add appeared in the Computer Based test are allowed to join the IOCL, his/her her candidature will automatically be treated as cancelled it any stage of these recruitment/ service in IOCL on grounds of his ineligibility.Therefore,before submitting the application the candidate must ensure that he /she fulfills the eligibility criteria has lay down in this advertisement.His/her candidature will be purely provisional subject to eligibility and other verification before after his/her appointment in IOCL.

The decision of the corporation about the mode of selection to the post and eligibility condition shall be final and binding.No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

Only one application through online mode is allowed to be submitted by a candidate for the examination. Therefore the candidates must exercise due diligence at the time of filling their online application form.

Before submission of final online application candidates must check that they have fulfill the correct details in each field online application form.

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

The the corporation reserves the right to cancel or postpone advertisement,if any,due to any administrative reasons.

Important dates:

Application starting date:


Application last date:



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