Online applications are invited from male Indian citizen possessing educational qualifications and age as prescribed below, for recruitment to the post of navik (general duty) and navick (domestic branch) in the Indian Coast Guard and armed force of the union.
Education Qualification :
Navik (general duty ):
class 12th passed and maths and physics from an education board recognised by Council of boards for school education.
Navik (domestic branch):
Class 10th passed from an education board recognised by Council of boards for school education.
Note :
Candidates are to fill marks of all subject as mentioned in their marksheet while filling the online application incorrect or incomplete filling of marks in the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature.
Age :
Minimum 18 years and maximum 22 years for Navik(GD), Navik(DB).Candidate should be bornd between 01 September 2003 to 31st August 2007 (both dates inclusive )applying for the post of Navik (GD)navik (TB)
Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC /ST and 3 years for OBC candidate is applicable if posts are reserved for them.
Job details :
Navik general duty Posts:
Region/ zone wise vacancies :
North to 65
West 53
East 38
South 54
Central 50
Navik domestic branch Posts:
40 vacancies
Region /zone wise vacancies :
North 10
West 9
East 5
south 9
Central 7
NORTH | 25 | 06 | 17 | 07 | 10 | 65 |
WEST | 20 | 05 | 14 | 06 | 08 | 53 |
EAST | 15 | 04 | 10 | 04 | 05 | 38 |
SOUTH | 21 | 05 | 14 | 06 | 08 | 54 |
CENTRAL | 19 | 05 | 13 | 05 | 08 | 50 |
TOTAL | 100 | 25 | 68 | 28 | 39 | 260 |
NORTH | 04 | 01 | 02 | 01 | 02 | 10 |
WEST | 03 | 01 | 02 | 01 | 02 | 09 |
EAST | 03 | 00 | 01 | 00 | 01 | 05 |
SOUTH | 03 | 01 | 02 | 01 | 02 | 09 |
CENTRAL | 03 | 01 | 02 | 00 | 01 | 07 |
TOTAL | 16 | 04 | 09 | 03 | 08 | 40 |
Selection process :
Selection will be made on the basis of stage -1, stage -2, stage 3,stage 4 exams, medical exams and verification of certification.
Important updates :
Online Application starting date:
Online application last date:
Application process:
candidate may apply through online process.
The question paper will be objective type with 04 options the candidate has to choose the correct option there is no negative marking.
The detailed syllabus for Section 1&2 is available on Notification.
Stage-1: Computer Based online examination
Stage :2 :Based on performance in Computer Based online examination and the handling capacity of ICG recruitment centres candidate will be shortlisted for stage 2 and provisional E-admit card is issued.To download admit card candidates are required to upload additional documents as mentioned in para 7(e) below within a given period as mentioned an ICG website.Failure to upload addition documents within the time frame promulgated by ICG will lead to cancellation of candidature. The duration of stage -2 is 1 -2 days and will be conducted at allocated centre. Stage-II involves following examination which are only qualifying in nature.
Assessment test:
Biometric verified candidates will undergo OMR based examination.This test is just qualifying in nature and the marks obtained will not be included in final merit list. However only those who qualified this test will proceed for the next phase of the examination that is physical fitness test.The result will be announced after an hour of conduct of examination.
Physical fitness test :
Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. All candidates advice to be in possession of sports rig. The PFT consists of:
a.1.6 km run to be completed in 7 minutes.
b. 20 squat ups
c. 10 push-up
Document Verification :
All information provided in online application has to match with all orginal documents produced by the candidate like 10th class,12th class,identity proof / category certificate individual subject and aggregate marks CGPA /domicile certificate.Any mismatch/ inconsistent /error with information provided by the candidate in application form uploaded documents and original documents produced for verification its stage -II with the documents in respect to name,date of birth,parents name,subject wise marks CGPA validity of documents category certificate etc..will lead to failure in document a verification and the candidature will be cancelled.The data of issue of all documents has to be on or before the closing date of application.The validity of all uploaded document has to be at least up to 31 December 2025.Any False declaration in the online application will lead to cancellation of candidature.
Recruitment Medical Examination :
The recruitment medical officer will assist the candidates for medical fitness as per laid down medical standards and declare them fit or unfit candidate who are found Medical and fit in recruitment medical examination and wish to appeal will be immediately referred to any designated military hospital.Such candidates are to report to the designated military hospitals within a maximum period of 21 days from the date of completion of recruitment medical examination which has declared them and them unfit. The appeal medical examination will be considered as final and the candidate will have no right to further appeal at any other or same Hospital again.
Candidates declared fit in recruitment medical examination at stage-II recruitment centre, may be disqualified in document verification during the further scrutiny of the documents by ICG as the document verification is carried out at multiple stages of recruitment procedure even after the conduct of stage -II Prior publishing the final merit result as mentioned in para 13 (ak) below.
The recruitment medical officer and the specialist doctors of armed forces hospitals are the final authorities and declaring a candidate fit or unfit and it during recruitment medical examination,appeal medical examination and medical examination prior to enrollment.
Candidates who qualify all test of stage -2 will be considered preparation of final merit list for stage -III
Preparation of final merit list for stage-III:
ICG will carry out the re-versification of documents submitted by candidate and only those candidates will be considered for merit preparation who will qualify the document verification and declared fit in recruitment appeal medicals. Separate zone and category wise merit list of candidates who have qualified all the stages will be prepared.The candidates order of merit will only be based on marks scored in stage- 1 and number of available vacancies that tie- breaking rule in merit, in case of 2 or more candidates having the same marks in stage 1, is as follows.
Candidates scoring more marks section -1
Candidate older in age will be higher in merit.
The candidates so qualify stage 1 and stage 2 and stands in merit as per the vacancies available will be provisionally shortlisted for reporting at INS Chilka and will be issued with provisional e admit card.The duration of stage-III is 1- 2 days further, as INS Chilka is a naval training establishment, verification procedure at training base in vogue are applicable.