Bharat Electronics Limited a public sector undertaking in Bangalore is inviting application for the following post on fixed tenure basis.
Bharat Electronic Limited invites application from outstanding professionals for the post of senior assistant officer and fixed tenure basis for a period of 5 years for its Bangalore, Navi Mumbai,Pune,Machilipatnam units.
1 | Senior Assistant Officer | senior Assistant | 5 yrs | 05 | 35 yrs | Rs 30,000/- TO 1,20,000/- | ||
Senior Assistant (Ex-Service men) | 5 yrs | 5 | 40 yrs | Rs 30,000/- TO 1,20,000/- |
Post name :
The senior assistant officer
Vacancies :
Any pg (Hindi or English should be subject )along with the work experience.
Age limit:
Not more than 35 years.There is a relaxation for 3 years for OBC,5 years for SC /ST candidates.
Method selection :
1.Screening and selection will be based on the details provided by the candidates in the application form.Furnishing wrong/ Falls information and incorrect or incomplete information will be disqualified and BEL will not be responsible for any consequences of furnishing such a wrong falls information. if any further stage of selection it is found that the candidates have declared False information their credentials BEL reserves the right to debar them at any Prior information. Decision of BEL candidate in all matters regarding Eligibility of the candidate the stages at which such a scrutiny of eligibility is to be undertaken qualifications and other eligibility norms will be final and binding on the candidate.
2.Candidates who meet the qualifying criteria and whose applications have been accepted will be provisionally shortlisted for written test based on performance in the written test candidates will be provisionally shortlisted for the interview in order of merit in the ratio 1:7.
3.Selection will be based on the performance of the candidate in written test & interview.
General instructions :
1.Only Indian citizens can apply. Internal fixed tenure executive are not eligible to apply.
2.Candidate in their own interest are advisable to apply and submit applications from please and not to wait till the last date for applying BEL shall not be responsible if candidate are not able to submit their application and account of Postal delay.
3.Please retain a copy of application form application fee payment acknowledgement slip for future reference.
4.The cut off date for deciding the maximum permishable age qualification and post experience etc shall be 01. 02. 2025. In order to compute post qualification work experience the period of work experience starting from the data falling which is the marksheet of the essential educational qualification was issued to the candidate/ the date on which result was issued by the University institution shall be considered.
5. Relaxation in age, qualification, minimum percentage of marks in written test, etc will be provided subject to vacancy in respective to category in that particular discipline as detailed in the advertisement.In absence of vacancy in category based posts,category candidates who apply will be treated at tar with UR criteria.
6. Candidates working in PSU /government organisations should compulsory produce “No objection certificate” at the time of interview such candidates are unable to produce NOC at the time of interview will not be considered for interview.
7. Request for change of category mailing address email id post as declared in the application will not be enterined.
8. The exact date and time of the selection process shall be communicated in the admit card for written test candidates are required to process at least one valid email id which is to be entered in the application form. Informing pertaining to the written test interview will be sent by email to the ID that is furnished and also will be published in BEL website. BEL will not be responsible for bouncing of any email sent to the candidate.
9. That disability certificate should be strictly in the format available on the BEL website.
10. Meerly fulfilling the minimum requirement of qualification and experience will not vest any right on the candidate to be called for the written test interview.The admission at all any stage of selection process will be purely provisional. Mere issue of admit card/ interview call letter /provisional offer letter of appointment to the candidate will not imply that his /her candidature has been cleared by BEL. BEL reserves the right to debar /disqualify any candidate Any stage of the selection process for any reason what so ever and also reserve the right to cancel /restrict /enlarge /modified or alter The recruitment or selection process, if need so arise without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereafter.
11. Candidate must go through the detailed advertisement very carefully and checked eligibility before proceeding to apply for the position. Kindly note that the category once filled by the candidate in the application form will not be changed.
1.Candidate should a valid personal email id and mobile number and must ensure that it is active during the entire recruitment process.All important communication will be sent on the same registered email ID. (please ensure that email sent to this mail box is not redirected to your junk/spam folder.
2.Candidate should take outmost care in furnishing and providing the correct details while filling up the application.
3.Application once submitted cannot be withdrawn and fee once paid will neither be refunded nor adjusted.
Interested candidates meeting all the criteria mentioned above, should submit the application in the format appended to this advertisement along with the following self attested photocopies of the documents by speed post only super-cribing on the envelope “RECRUITMENT OF SENIOR ASSISTANT”
4. First qualification experience certificate from previous to till current employer :
5.The joining /appointment letter and relieving letter needs to be attached to determine the number of years of post qualification experience. In case relevancy of experience of the candidate cannot be established,his candidature will not be considered.
6.Candidates working in PSU /government organisations should compulsory produce “No objection certificate” at the time of interview such candidates are unable to produce NOC at the time of interview will not be considered for interview.
Selection process :
Candidates will be selected based on written test,interview etc.
Application process :
Applications are invited through offline mode.
Important dates :
Application last date: