Applications are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment to various post in health Institutions of Chittoor district under under the control of the principles of government medical colleges, superintends of government general hospitals and government school of nursing, government Maternity Hospital and contract Outsourcing basis only.

Last date for submission of physical application is 5:30 p.m. on date 22nd. 02.2025 filled in application shall be submitted in the principle O/o S.V Medical College, Tirupati candidates are advised to apply as soon as possible without waiting till last date to avoid the last over Rush. They her further advise to obtain dated acknowledgement from the receiving authority in proof of their submission of application.

The candidates who are submitting applications through register post are here by instructed to submitted their applications within last date that is 22.02.2025.This office is not responsible for any postal delay.The applications which were received after last date should not entertained and same will be rejected.

Simultaneous counselling will be conducted for all three institutions together and candidates will be allowed to choose only one institution from among them while exercising his/her option. Roster registers will be maintained separately by principles superintend for each first and respective Institutions.

The merit list of this notification is valid for 1 year for the purpose of filling up existing and arising vacancies if any.

total number of vacancies 66 qualification diploma bachelor degree BSc MCA in the relevant discipline following 10th class intermediate Post with work experience.

Post Names :

Lab attendant

General duty attendant

Library attendant


Data entry


Nursing orderly

Operation theatre assistant


1Lab Attendant1.Must possess 10th class/ intermediate or its equivalent.

2.Must possess certificate of Certified lab attendant course of any recognised Institute.

Must process 3.DMLT or B.Sc (MLT).

4. If intermediate with one year apprenticeship in government hospitals.

5.Must be registered in APPMB.
6. In case of candidate process both DMLT and BSc MLT the maximum percentage secured in any of the above shall be considered.

2General Duty Attendant Candidate must have passed the 10th class or its equivalent examination from a recognised board.
3Library AttendantCandidate must have passed 10th class or its equivalent examination from a recognised board and experience in book keeping
4Dialysis Technician 1.Must have passed intermediate examination or it’s equivalent must process.

2.Diploma in dialysis technician course with 2 years experience from recognised Hospital.

3.BSc dialysis technician from a recognised institution must be registered in APPMB.
5Data entry operator any bachelor degree in computers IE B.Com computers BA computers BTech computers etc from a recognised institution are any degree with one year PGDCA course in computers from a recognised institution
6Female nursing orderly 1.Candidates must have passed the SSC/ 10th class or is equal to examination from a recognised board.

2.Must qualified in first aid training (only female candidates are eligible )
7Male nursing orderly 1.Candidates must have passed the SSC/ 10th class or is equal to examination from a recognised board.

2.Must qualified in first aid training (only male candidates are eligible )
8Operation theatre assistant 1.Candidate must have passed the SSC 10th class or its equivalent examination from a recognised board with first aid certificate.

2.Must have put in a minimum service of 3 years as nursing orderly in any government recognised Hospital.

3.Must process diploma in medical sterilization management and operation theatre technician.
Must be registered in APPMB.
9 Audiometry Technician1.Must process intermediate or its equivalent.

2.Must process BSc (audiology)/diploma in audio metric technician from recognised institution in India /BSc degree in speech and language Science or bachelor degree audiology,speech and language pathology

3.Must have registered in rehabilitation Council of India with up to date renewals.
10AttendersCandidate must have passed to the 10th class or it’s equivalent and examination from a recognised board.
11ECG Technician1.Must Possess intermediate or its equivalent.

2.Must possess BSc in clinical neuro physiology/ EEG technology from recognised institution in India and must registered in AP paramedical board.
Must process PG diploma in neurotechnology with 2 years of experience in any government organisation.
12Dialysis Technician1.Must have passed intermediate examination or it’s equivalent must process.
2.Diploma in dialysis technician course with 2 years experience from recognised Hospital.
3.BSc dialysis technician from a recognised institution must be registered in APPMB.
13Electrician /Mechanic1.Must have pass SSC or its equivalent.

2.Diploma in Electrical Engineering or ITI in electrical trade a person possess both Diploma and ITI certificate maximum percentage of marks obtained either of the course shall be considered.
Apprentice certificate from a recognised institution
14O. T TechnicianMust process diploma in medical sterilization management and operation theatre technician.
Must be registered in APPMB


That tenure for the contract /Outsourcing posts is mention the temporary and 1 year from the date of joining in the post and maybe extended for further period as per the instructions she should buy the government from time to time.The district selection committee reserves all the rights to terminate the contract Outsourcing services of any candidate / candidates it anytime with 1 month notice or as per directions of government from time to time. Moreover any selected candidate services were not satisfied up to merit of the post the services of the said candidate removed from the department..


1.SSC or its equivalent (DATE OF BIRTH)

2. Certificate sub qualifications prescribed for the post concerned.

3.Proof of appearance for the qualifying examination where ever applicable.

Marks memos of all years of qualifying examination or it’s equivalent.

5. Valid certificate of registration in AP paramedical board / allied Healthcare Sciences /any other Council constituted under the relevant rules for specific courses wherever applicable.


Upper age limit is 42 years. for SC /ST, BC and EWS candidate 5 years Age relaxation for ex-servicemen 3 years age relaxation.

Selection process :

Candidates will be selected based on marks obtained in educational qualification.

Important dates:

Application last date:



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