Bharat Electronics Limited BEL is Navratna company and India’s premier professional electronics company under the ministry of defence requires the following personal on Temporary basis for its product development and innovation centre and centres for Excellence.
1 | TRAINEE ENGINEER -I | 67 | NIL | 28 | 1st yr-30,000/- | ||
Post name:
Trainee Engineer
Project engineer
Total vacancies :
Educational Qualification :
Trainee engineer:
BA /B.Tech/ BSc engineering degree 4 year course in relevant disciplines with pass class from recognised University /institution are eligible.
Project engineer BA/ B.Tech /BSc engineering degree 4 years course in relevant discipline with pass class from recognised University institution are eligible.
For the all the post indicated the candidate should have qualified from AICTE /UGC approved College /Institute are a recognised University.
Candidates applying for the above indicated post should process 50 percentage and above for general OBC/ EWS and pass class for SC /ST /PWBD.
Candidates have compulsory attached the provisional final degree certificate as a proof of completion of degree and indication of class and percentage of marks in case anyone institution or colleges following and evolution system of CGPA /DGPA/OGPA or letter grade wherever applicable it is mandatory for the candidate to submit proof of percentage issued by University/ institution college and award class along with the degree certificate.
Age limit :
Upper age limit as a 01.01.2025
Trainee engineer :
The Age should not be more than 28 years for general and EWS candidates.
The upper age limit will be relaxation for OBC candidate by 3 years and SC/ ST candidates by 5 years. For candidates belonging to pwbd category having 40% disability are more will get 10 years relaxation in upper age limit in addition to the relaxation applicable to the categories mentioned above.
Project engineer :
The age should not be more than 32 years for general and Ews candidate the upper age limit will have relaxation for OBC candidate by 3 years and SC/ ST candidates by 5 years for candidate belonging to pwbd category having minimum 40% disability are more will get 10 years relaxation in upper age limit in addition to the relaxation applicable to the categories mentioned in the notification.
Terms of engagement & Allowance:
- Trainee engineers will be engaged for an initial period of 2 years and maybe extended up to a maximum of 1 year based on the project requirement and individual performance.Candidates will be paid consolidated remuneration of RS 30000 per month for the first year and Rs 35000 for the second year. In the event of the extension of the tenure, the remuneration shall be RS 40000 per month for the third year.
2. Project engineer it will be engaged for an initial period of 3 years which may be extended up to a maximum of one year based on the project requirement and individual performance. Candidates will be paid a consolida remuneration of Rs 40000 per month for the first year and Rs 45000 per second year and Rs 50000 for 3rd year. In the event of the extension of the tenure,the remuneration shall be Rs 55000 per month for 4th Year
3. Trainee engineer who has completed the tenure of 2 years within BEL as a Trainee Engineer maybe considered for the advancement of project engineer in same unit
4. However if any candidate has completed 3 years of tenure as a trainee engineer in BEL and applied and selected for the project engineer post He/She will be directly inducted as a Project Engineer-II. The overall tenure will be Limited for 3 years only. The remuneration of such candidates will be Rs 45000 for the first year, Rs 50000 for the second year, Rs 55000 for the third year.
5.In addition to the above consolidated amount of Rs 12000 per year will be paid towards expenses like a Medical insurance and life insurance premium,attire allowance,stitching charges, footwear allowance etc. The additional amount is shall be paid in two installment. First installment will be processed in the first month’s salary after joining and second installment will be paid after the completion of 6 months from the date of joining.
6.roject project engineer who joins as a Project Engineer-1 and complete overall 4 years will be entitled for retention bonus of Rs 25,000 for every completed year.However,the retention bonus will be payable at the end of 4 years that is Rs 100000.
Selection procedure :
Trainee engineer-I :
Cndidates meeting the specified criteria as mentioned above in the advertisement will be communicated to attend the written test for 100 marks.Question paper include negative marking of 1/ 4 mark for each response.In case tie in marks the overall percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying degree will be considered to determine the merit.
The list of candidate shortlisted for the written test,will be hosted and the Bel website.Candidates are required to comply with the instructions indicated in the admit card.
Project engineer II :
Candidates meeting the specified criteria as mentioned above the advertisement will be communicated to attend the written test for 85 marks. candidates will be shortlisted for the interview in the order of merit based and performance in the written test, in the ratio 1:5. Interviews will be conducted subsequently and will be for 15 marks.
The list of candidates shortlisted for the written test /interview, will be hosted on the Bel website.Candidates are required to comply with the instruction indicated in the admit card.
Candidates have to compulsorily provide the CGPA conversion to percentage of marks, as per the guidelines provided by the concerned University.Failure to do so, will resulting disqualification.
Only relevant post qualification industry experience a Project Engineer will be considered. The decision of the selection committee, with respect to relevant of experience will be final.Work experience indicated without supporting the documents will not be considered.
Method of selection :
Selection will be through a written test for shortlisted candidate for the post of trainee engineers.For the candidates applying for project engineer, mode of selection will be through written test followed by an interview,only for those candidates who applying in the written test. The venue for the written test and inter will be it PDIC Bangalore.
Important dates:
Application last date: