Online applications are invited from Indian citizens who full fill following essential qualifications and other eligibility conditions as an 08.03.2025 for preparation of a panel for filling up to 241 vacancies for the post of junior Court assistant (group B non gazetted placed) in level 6 of pay Matrix with initial basic pay of Rs 35,400 the approximate gross salary as per existing rate of allowance including HRA comes to Rs 72,014 per month (pre revised pay scale PB-2 with grade pay of rupees 4200)
The number of vacancy is tentative and subject to change that is increased or decrease due to administrative reasons.
Essential qualifications :
Bachelor degree of a recognised University minimum speed of 35 word per minute in English typing and computer knowledge of computer operations.
Age requirement :
Candidate should not be below 18 years and above 30 years of age as an 08.03.2025.Usual relaxation in age will be admisable to SC,ST,OBC, differently abled, ex-servicemen.There will be no upper age limit for departmental candidates of registry Supreme Court.However,no relaxation in age will be allowed to the candidate working in other government departments etc.
The candidate who qualify in the objective written test and objective type computer knowledge test will only be called for typing speed test and computer and descriptive test and those who qualify the said test will be required to appear for an interview before and interview board and qualify the interview by securing minimum qualifying marks number of candidates to be called for inter exceed the ratio 1:3 that is 3 candidates against one vacancy subject to available of candidates who would be qualified on the basis of about test.After qualifying in prescribed test and interview the selected candidates will be empanelled in order of merit for appointment as junior Court assistant.
1. | Objective type question paper with multiple choice answer containing 100 questions | 2 hours | |
2. | Objective type computer knowledge test | 2 hours | |
3. | Typing (English)test and computer with minimum speed 35 word per minute | 10 minutes | |
4. | Descriptive test consisting of comprehension passage,precise writing and essay writing | 2 hours |
The candidate of qualify in the objective type written test and objective type computer knowledge test will only be called for typing speed test and computer and descriptive test and those who qualify the said test will be required to appear for an interview before and interview board and qualify the interview by securing minimum qualify marks.Number of candidates to be called for interview shall not exceed the ratio of 1:3 i.e 3 candidates against one vacancies subject to availability of candidates who would be qualified on the basis of above tests.After qualifying in prescribed test and interview,the selected candidates will be empanelled in the order of merit for appointment as junior Court assistant.The candidates may note that mere Placement in panel does not confirm any right on the candidates to claim appointment for the post of junior Court assistant.
Application process :
Candidates can apply through online.
Selection process :
Candidates will be selected based on written test, practical trade skill test and interview etc
Examination centres :
Andhra Pradesh,telangana and other states
The candidates applying for the post of junior Court assistant should ensure that they fulfill the prescribed eligibility condition for the said post.There admission at all the stages of examination with written /typing /computer test and the interview for which they are admitted by this registery will be purely provisional subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions by way of furnishing documentary proof in support thereof and all the requisite document for Eligibility of his /her candidature for the set post will be checked at the time of interview.If on verification at any time before or after the said test /interview,it is found that the candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions his /her candidature for the examination shall stand cancelled without any notice are further reference.
2. The candidate will be required to upload the scanned copy his/her recent photograph,signature and requisite documents While submitting the online application form in accordance with the instructions displayed on the link provided for the purpose. Candidate should ensure that the particular field in the online application form are correct in all respects before final submission of application form. Application on submitted cannot be withdrawn or modified.
3. The candidates shall be required to fill up the required data in the application and make payment of fee online in accordance with the instructions displayed on the link provided for the purpose.
4. After successful completion of online application form candidates will be able to preview his/ her application. Candidates are advised to get a printout of the filled up application form for his/ her record. Print out of filled up application need not be sent to the registry.
5. The candidate I should retain his/ her application number carefully for generation of admit card from the link to be provided on the website of Supreme Court of India and for any other information regarding prescribed test /interview .
6. Candidate sir advised to visit website of Supreme Court of India( recruitment link )for updates regarding the post of junior Court assistant at regular intervals.
7. In case a candidate submits more than one application form,he /she must know that application which is submitted in a last will only be entertained by the registry.No correspondence requesting to accept to previous application will be entertained by the registry.
8. Name and date of birth entered in the high school certificate/ 10th board examination are equivalent certificate issued by the concerned board/ Council will only be accepted. Any change in name or surname should be supported by gazette notification. The applicant is to submit his online application as per changed name /surname and the documents in support of change of name /surname will be verified at the time of interview.
9. No request for change of category filled in application form will be entertaining.
10.No /DA will be payable to the candidates for appearing in the test /Interview.
Important dates :
Application last date :