Applications are invited online for the recruitment of 50 post for civil judges( junior division )in Andhra Pradesh state judicial service comprising of 40 vacancies and the director recruitment and 10 vacancies under recruitment by transfer. The recruitment process shall be governed by the Andhra Pradesh state Judicial Service cadre rules 2007. The pay scale for civil judge( junior division )is Rs:77840 -136520.
The online application portal will be available on the high courts official website from 20. 02. 2025 to 17.03.2025. The last date for submission of online application is 17.03.2025 up to 11:59 p.m. No other mode of application will be entertained.
The detail of examination centres will be posted on the high courts website.The applications are required to visit the official website of High court Andhra Pradesh to keep themselves related notifications until the completion of recruitment.No separate information will be provided anymode.
The venue and time of test examination will be mentioned in the hall ticket to be downloaded by the applicants.
The above mentioned dates are final,except where modified by the high court in case of exigencies,The modified dates if any, will be updated on the website of High Court of Andhra Pradesh.
Qualifications :
only those applicantswho possess the qualifications prescribed under the Andhra Pradesh state Judicial (Service & cadre) rules 2007, which are mentioned below shall be eligible to apply.
Direct recruitment :
Applications applying under the direct recruitment must process a bachelor degree in law awarded by any university established by the law in India.
Recruitment by transfer:
Applications applying under recruitment by transfer must possess a degree in law awarded by any university established by law in India and must be a confirmed member are approved probationer in any one of the following categories.
Eligible category to apply under recruitment by transfer :
Section Officer, court officer,scrutiny officer,Accounts Officers, Court master, personal secretaries to honorable judges, personal secretary’s to register, the translators and Deputy Section Officer,assistant Section Officer, computer operators, assistant librarian, Telex operator,telephone operator,typist and copyists of the High Court of Andhra Pradesh.
Scheme of examination :
The process of selection is as follows :
For the purpose of shortlisting the applicants,the high court will conduct a screening test (Computer Based test)for 100 marks comprising of 100 multiple choice objective type questions, the duration of examination will be two hours.
The applicants who secure 40 percentage and above marks in the screening test will be shortlisted in the ratio of 1:10 of the above available vacancies for written examination provided that if there are more than one candidate who have secured identical marks in the screening test all such candidate shall be called for the written examination.
The marks obtained in the screening test shall not be added to the marks obtained in the written examination and they shall not be counted for determining final order of merit in selection of the applicants, As the screening test is conducted for the purpose of shortlisting the applicants only.
Written examination consist the under mentioned three papers.Each paper will carry 100 marks the duration of each paper is 3 hours.The question in the examination shall be answered only in English.
Paper-1:Civil Laws
Paper-2:Criminal Laws and
Paper-3: Each translation test for 25 marks and essay writing test for 75 marks on legal subject.
The candidate shall secure 40% marks in paper 3 English and the Marks secured in paper 3 shall not be taken into account for eligibility for viva voce or selection.The marks secured paper-1 and paper-2 and Viva shall be taken into account for selection.
Merit List:
On announcement of result of written examination qualified candidates in the ratio of 1:3 of the available vacancies in the respective categories shall be called for viva voce.
Provided that if there are more than one candidate who have secured identical cut off marks all such candidate shall be called upon to appear for viva voce.
Examination centers for secreening test:
Computer screening test will be held in the following centres and applicants have to opt for any three centres in the opt for any preferences for the allotment.However the high court results the right to allot applicants to any Centre other than the centre choose and by them are to abolish/ created new centre for administrative reasons.
The request for change examination centre will not be entertained.
Important dates :
Application starting date:
Application last date :