Airports Authority of India a government of India public sector Enterprise constituted by an act of Parliament,is entrusted with the responsibility of creating, upgrading, maintaining and managing Civil Aviation infrastructure both on the ground and air space in the country.Airport Authority of India has been conferred with the Mini Ratna category-1 status.

Post name and vacancies :

Junior Executive (Fire service )-13

Junior Executive (Human Resource )-66

Junior Executive (Official Language )-04

Total number of vacancies :


Junior Executive( fire service ):

Bachelor degree in engineering/ tech in fire engineering mechanical /engineering /automobile engineering.No experience is essential

Junior Executive (Human research ):

Graduate and MBA are equivalent and( 2 years duration)with the specialisation in HRM /HRD /PM& IR/ labour welfare.No experience is essential.

Junior Executive( official language ):

Post graduation in Hindi or in English with English or Hindi respectively as a subject at degree level are post graduation in any other subject with Hindi and English as compulsory /elective subject it degree level.Experience of 2 years in translation relating to glossary and from English to Hindi and Hindi to English preferably of Technical or scientific literature.

Age limit relaxation :

Age limit :Junior Executive maximum age 27 years as on 18 03 2025 relaxation age upper age limit is a relaxable of by 5 years for SC /ST and 3 years for OBC candidate. vacancies reseeved for OBC category are meant for candidate belong to non creamy layer as per the guidelines of Government of India on the subject.

Upper age limit is relaxable 10 years for PwBD candidates where post is identified suitable for relevant category of disability supported by the certificate of disability issued on our before 18.03.2025 by the competent authority..

Remuneration :

pay scale Junior Executive : 40000

Selection method :

1.Candidates will be selected based on written test, physical test and interview. Candidate should carefully read the important instructions before filling the application form and ensure that fulfill the eligibility criteria and other normw mentioned in the advertisement.Furnishing of wrong information will lead to disqualification and Airport Authority of India will not be responsible for any consequence of furnishing such false information.

2.On the basis of the details furnished in application form, provisionally Eligible Candidate shall be called for Computer Based test and admit card shall be issued to them accordingly. Candidates will have to regularly visit Airport Authority of India website for link /check their registered email id’s for downloading the admit cards for Computer Based test.

3. There will not be any negative marking for wrong answer attempted by the candidates in Computer Based test.

4. Computer Based test will be followed by application verification/ subsequent to tests,as applicable for the post for all the posts.Candidates will be shortlisted for application verification and subsequent test on the basis of their performance in Computer Based test.

5. For the post of Junior Executive application verification will be followed by physical measurement test driving test and physical endurance test,which includes running,casulty carrying,pole climbing,rope climbing and full ladder climbing.Only those candidates who qualify the opposite test will be considered eligible for selection process.

6. Candidates shortlisted for the post of Junior Executive fire services shall be required to produce a valid permanent light motor vehicle licence at the time of application verification, failing which,their candidature will not be considered. Temporary learning licence will not be accepted.

7. During application verification,the candidate will have to produce Original certificates along with a proof of identity and one set of self attested photocopies of all the certificates. if the identity of the candidate is in doubt is or he /she is not able to produce the requisite documents or there is missmatch of information in the documents, his/her candidature will be rejected.No additional time will be given for producing original documents.

8. The provisional selection of the candidates will be as per the merit list prepared on the basis of their performance in Computer Based test subject to all the eligibility criteria prescribed for the post and the qualifying the physical measurement test, driving test,physical endurance test as applicable for the post.

9. Roll numbers of the candidates provisionally selected for appointment will be declared on Airport Authority of India website. The offer letter details about offer letter will be sent to the provisional selected candidates to through their registered e-mail id’s/ Airport Authority of India website. Candidates will have to visit Airport Authority of India website for details/ check their registered email id’s for downloading their offer letter.

10. The candidates selected for the post of Junior Executive will have to undergo training during which they will be paid basic pay along with other admissible allowances.They shall have to execute surety Bond for an amount of Rs 5 lakh to serve Airport Authority of India for a period of 3 years after completion of training.

11. Selection of candidates shall be provisional,subject to verification of documents relating to eligibility criteria, character and antecedents/ background check, caste certificate,other backward class certificate /ews certificate and other documents submitted by the candidate and is also subject to his/ her meeting the requisite medical standards for the post and other requirements as applicable for the appointment under the rules of Airport Authority of India.

How to apply:

1.Before applying for the post the candidate should ensure that he/ she fulfills advertisement. Furnishing of wrong information will be disqualification and Airport Authority of India will not be responsible for any consequence of furnishing of such wrong information.

2.Candidates are advised to read the following instructions carefully before applying online and also the instructions given and main instruction page of the online application.

Instructions regarding scanning of photograph and signature :

Uploading of scanning image his/her photograph and signature should be as for the specifications given below:

A)Photograph image :

Please upload one recent passport size photograph with the white background.

Photograph in cap/ glasses will not be acceptable.

Size of the image should be minimum 30 KB and maximum 100 KB

Signature image :

The applicant has to sign and white paper with black ink pen.

The signature must be signed only by the applicant not by any other person.

Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.

Important dates :

Application last date :

18-03 2025


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