It is propose to conduct walk in interview for part time lady physical director and contractual basis att agricultural college Bapatla with the riquisite qualification and Temporary basis.
Vacancies details:
Post :
Lady physical director
Number of post :
Essential qualification :
Candidate should complete M.P. E. D master physical education.
Salary :
The selected candidates will be going to get 33,000 per month for mped qualification.
38000 per month for PhD candidate.
Date and time of interview :
11 a.m.
Address :
Agriculture College Bapatla
Duration :
11 months from date of joining or regular post is filled up Which ever is earlier.
The desirable candidates may attend the walk in interview on 05.02.2025 directly with biodata for original certificate as set of xerox copys of educational qualifications and other certificates if any along with two photos. No TA/DA is admissible. Peference will be given to given talents the post is purely temporary and liable for termination at any time without assigning any reason.
The undersigned as right to cancel postpone the interview for the said post,for saod date if any unavoidable incident happens.
Note the person who got selected as to give an under taking to the effect that she will not indulge in any in-disciplinary activities failing which her services will be automatically terminate without any period notice.
It is proposed to conduct a walk in interview for technical assistant for vacancies at agricultural college,Bapatla on the full time contact basis.
Post :
Technical assistant
Name of the department :
Agriculture College,Bapatla
Number of vacancies :
Duration of the post :
11 months from the date of joining,filling of regular staff Which ever is earlier.
Essential qualification:
Diploma in agriculture from Angru.
Remuneration :
15000 u
Upper age limit :
40 years for men
45 years for women
Date of time and Interview :
31.01.2025 11:00 a.m..
Applications are invited from eligible candidates attend walk in interview for the below mentioned temporary post to of Data Collection personal in the project entitled “collaborative project to proposal and qualifying GHG emissions from paddy rice fields under both conventional flooding and intermittent irrigation “to work at Regional agriculture Research Station West Godavari district.
1 | Name of the post | Data collection personal |
2 | Number of posts | 01 |
3 | Educational Qualification | diploma in agriculture Polytechnic preference will be given to candidate having experience in GC field data collection. |
4 | Duration | 3 months from the date of joining or completion of the project |
5 | Salary | Rs 15,000/- |
6 | Date of interview | 25.03.2025 Time:11.00am |
7 | Place of Interview | RARS, Maruteru |
1.Candidates age below 40 years for men and 45 years for Women.
2.No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview.
3.The above post is purely temporary.
4.The Eligible candidates can directly attend for interview on the said data with all the Original certificate with duplicate copy of the same and other relevanted documents.
5.Application and plain paper giving biodata, name and address of the tworeferences and a fixing latest passport size photograph along with attested photo copies of the supporting documents,no objection certificate( if employed)should be submitted to the above office at the time of interview.The decision of the selection committee is final and Binding in all aspects.
It is proposed to conduct a walk in interview for technical assistant it Agriculture College Bapatla on full time contract basis.
1 | POST | Technical Assistant |
2 | NAME OF THE DEPARTMENT | Agricultural College, Bapatla |
3 | EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION | Diploma in agriculture from ANGRAU |
4 | NUMBER OF POSTS | 01 |
5 | DURATION OF THE POST | 11 months from date of joining /filling up reckless of which ever is earlier |
6 | DESIRABLE QUALIFICATION | Work experience in field or laboratory |
7 | REMUNERATION | Rs 15,000/- |
8 | UPPER AGE LIMIT | MEN-40 years WOMEN-45 years |
9 | TIME & DATE OF INTERVIEW | 13.03.2025 TIME :11:00 am |
1.The individual is engaged purely and Temporary and contractual basis which will be terminated after completion of 11 months or filling up regular non teaching staff which ever is earlier.
2.The equipment shall not have any claim or shall have any right to claim for any regular appointment in university any government organisation.
3. The incumbent should not have any claim or shall have any right for further continuation of contract service.
4. Concealing of facts or canvasing in any form shall lead to disqualification of the candidature at the time of selection or termination event during the contractual engagement period.
5.Contractual engagement can be terminated it anytime without prior notice or assigning any reason thereof.
6. The engaged persons may also leave the contractual service and their own by giving one month notice otherwise to be paid 1 month salary before leaving.
7.The selected candidates will be required to undergo medical examination at their own expenses for the rules for ensuring their physical fitness before appointment.
8.NO TA/DA will be given to the candidate appearing for the interview.
9.The decision of the selection committee for the above post will be final and Binding in all respects.